10 Great Ways To Make Money On The Internet

10 Great Ways To Make Money Online from Internet

If you say you're making money on the Internet, people know you're making any ponies. But we are not smart enough to do it. However, you can run any number of blogs.

There are many legitimate ways to make money on the Internet at home, but of course the profit structure is all different. That's why the challenge of making money over the Internet can be both crowded and scary.

But that's okay. In this post, I'll show you the 10 best ways to make money on the Internet in 2019.

1. Blog

Too many power bloggers have already appeared, so your blog may look sloppy compared to them. Above all, the lesson to keep in mind when blogging is "Blog posting alone can't make money."

Your influence is money. Your subscribers are also money soon. Running a blog means gaining influence and subscribers. In other words, blogs are a means to get them, and you can't make money on your own. Blogs can earn money from advertising, partnerships, affiliate sales, and more.

2. E-Book

E-books have certainly been one of the leading players in the era, but they are not the most profitable business by now. Writing e-books takes a lot of time and energy, but not so much sales.

If your goal is to be the author of a published book, e-book publishing may be a good option, but if you are considering profitability, it may not be the best option. Of course, there aren't any successful e-book authors, but it's quite hard to stand out as this market is so saturated.

However, if you succeed in publishing a profitable e-book, you will make a savory income of more than 800,000 won per month.

3. Affiliate Marketing

If you are an avid enthusiast of a shopping mall or product and are recommending it to friends or family around you, you should find out if there is an affiliate marketing for that shopping mall or product. When you become an affiliate marketer, you contract with a product seller, and each time you succeed, you earn a percentage of the product price as a profit.

This method is quite popular in foreign countries, and there are at least thousands of affiliate communities. If you want to become an affiliate marketer, search Google by appending 'affiliate' after the name of the company or shopping mall you want. (Ex. Amazon affiliate)

4. YouTube

The amazing success of YouTube stars has attracted thousands of people to the world of YouTube. Nowadays, the existence of a full-time YouTuber is no stranger at all. Even top-notch YouTubers make billions of dollars a year.

Of course, these can be said to be very unusual, but it often sounds quite attractive to those who are wet with YouTuber's dreams. Even today, there are thousands of YouTubers who make a few hundred won a month. The number of subscribers will increase steadily, but it will be slow.

If so, it's also a good idea to turn your attention away from YouTube. For example, the watercolor youtuber Angela Fehr made a high profit by making an online course on watercolors.

5. Google search engine evaluator

Google search engines that provide more than 350 million search results every day would make it much more reasonable to see that sometimes a few bugs could occur. That's why Google employs independent contractors as search engine evaluators to fix bugs.

You can become a search engine evaluator by signing up for an agent website like Appen, taking an exam, and completing hours of training. The average hourly wage of a search engine evaluator is around 15,000 won, but it may be difficult to expect a stable job to work all day long. It says that you can expect more than a million won in profit.

6. Domain Sales

Of course, it's quite reluctant to keep a domain you don't use and sell it to people who need it. However, domain companies like Godaddy don't think so at all.

The smartest way to do this is to pre-empt any domains you think someone will use in the future. If your thoughts are correct, someone may be willing to buy a domain in the future.

Or you can preempt similar domains from already popular domains and contact the domain owner to make suggestions.

The price of the domain is different, but it is usually trading at 1 million won. And as you can see from the case of Korea.com, you can charge more than billions of dollars if you preempt it properly!

7. Podcast

Podcasts are audio shows consisting of at least one host and several guests. It's also quite popular content. It is no exaggeration to say that there is more than one podcast in almost every field.

Podcasts, like blogs, are essentially not profitable on their own. But you can also gain influence and subscribers, and if it's an ad-supported platform, you'll get ad revenue.

8. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is largely divided into two types. The first is to do a general job for socially desirable things, and the second is to invest for a project. And if your 'project' is to quit your job and challenge, it can be a little dangerous.

Crowdfunding can be done on platforms like Wadiz and Tumblr. The basics of crowdfunding are sparkling ideas. Instead of saying to people, "I make products that can do X, Y, and Z," instead of saying, "I make products that can do X, Y, and Z to make you comfortable." Willing to open the wallet.

9. Shopping mall

You can register your product on Naver Shopping. Of course, you can also register for the auction and G market. If you go through the proper procedure. If your product is particularly valuable and useful, don't hesitate to commit to them. If you can stand out among millions of products!

If not? Creating a shopping mall can be a good alternative. Gnu commerce, woo commerce, shoppei ··· There are simple solutions to create a shopping mall and control all products and prices. With this solution, you can build an independent shopping mall.

But this decision should be prudent. At least Naver Shopping or Auction does not require you to design a sales page above a certain level. But shopping malls will be designed by your hand, from one to ten.

10. Online courses

The online education market is currently one of the fastest growing markets worldwide. It is an old saying that only professional instructors now make and teach lectures. There are plenty of free paths for amateur instructors such as YouTube and life coding. Is that all? Kakao launched Educast, an online course platform. Udemy is a huge course platform with tens of millions of users worldwide. Everyone can be an instructor here and anyone can be a student.

Once created, the course is still available for years. Everyone has something to teach. Because even a full-time housewife has her own know-how. When connected to YouTube, blogs, podcasts, etc., online courses can be a very attractive option.

10 Great Ways To Make Money On The Internet 10 Great Ways To Make Money On The Internet Reviewed by Mohsin Rohan on May 19, 2020 Rating: 5
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