15 essential know-how you need to know when starting a blog

15 essential know-how that anyone who starts a blog should know

If you want to build a brand and secure a business area, it is best to start a blog. In fact, running a blog is more 434% more exposed to search engines like Google than regular websites. Search engines are always collecting the most up-to-date content for that keyword, and blogs that regularly post new posts are the ideal content website for search engines.
Most of all, blogs show that you are an expert in the field. You could just write it on the sales page saying 'I've been in this field for 10 years', but it's also a good way to prove your know-how through informative blog posting.
Today we're going to learn how to start a blog that will help your business.

1. What you need

The advantage of blogging is that you can start right away without having to do anything extra. Most portal sites offer their own blog service. However, when there is a better tool, it is one way to use it.
One thing to keep in mind is that the things I'm going to introduce from now on are just suggestions, and it's up to you to decide whether or not to have them.


Domains are a fundamental way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Best of all, if you have your own domain for a few thousand won, it has the advantage of being more professional than Naver Blog. In fact, Tistory provides the ability to connect its own domain to the Tistory blog. Another advantage of purchasing a domain is that you can create an email address with that domain. It seems to be a better company.
Domains can be purchased from Whois, Gavia, Godaddy, and more. If you can't afford a domain, I recommend at least differentiating your blog name.


If the domain is an address, hosting is a real home. By applying to a hosting company, you have a truly independent web blog. The hosting cost will be more understandable considering the monthly rent we pay to the landlord. The biggest advantage of creating a blog with hosting is that you can create a blog freely, and the biggest disadvantage is that you have to create a blog on your own.
In general, domain companies are also hosting companies. It's not uncommon for companies selling domains and hosting as a set. However, hosting usually has a limit on the number of visitors per day (traffic), but at least Naver or Daum does not limit the number of blog visitors to you.

Visual elements

The first impression determines everything. People say that they can make up for the first impression in a steady relationship, but the product has no chance once the consumer has seen it and turned away. That's also why you need to have the right visual elements to decorate your blog's front page.
As for the visual element, it is okay to take a picture of a real object, or it may be an element composed of images you want to convey.


Blogs that create dishes for today, architecture for tomorrow, and posts for international games the next day are generally not in the spotlight. It's literally a miscellaneous blog, but if an individual runs as a hobby, it may not be a bad choice, but we are pros.
If you're running a blog, it's much better to design a clear blog specialty and make it your blog's identity. Of course, your specialty should be relevant to your business. It is also important to understand people's needs and dig into the gap.
For example, let's say your blog is 'cooking'. What exactly is it? Chef's dish? Although the chef boom occurred, there are very few homes equipped with chef's specialty tools. Housewife cooking? It's a complete red ocean for homemaker bloggers of decades of housewives. So how about a homemade dish? This is a dish that can be easily made even by students without any tools or complicated ingredients. This is still a little in demand.
Even nowadays, there are even blogs that professionally post only Baek Jong-won's cooking recipes. Set your specialty well!

2. Unpublished manuscript

If you have everything you need for a blog, and if you can write the first post of the monumental blog by clicking the 'Write' button right now, we recommend that you act calmly without rushing. Blog posting is basically a fight against regular publication. Please set a date and time to post in advance.
In that respect, the unpublished plaintiff is a very essential insurance. These days, some portal site blogs support the temporary storage function. Complete all posts and prepare a manuscript by simply pressing the 'Publish' button.
If you can't write a post later because of your inevitable schedule, you can publish it. It's foolish to create just one piece of content when you can produce it. Think about it later and make as much as possible when you can create content.

3. Brand image

First, make sure that your own brand (or business) and blog are well combined. The combination with the brand makes you look more authoritative and professional. The story of brand color has already been mentioned a few times in previous postings. Please find a color combination that can represent your brand on adobe.color.com or colourlovers.com.

4. Upgraded content

In general, a blog post is itself a piece of content. Of course, blogs will grow gradually if only the useful postings continue. Like any ordinary blog. However, the upgraded content takes a much more effective trust relationship. 
For example, if you are a designer, create and distribute a free design template. You will see the customers who want to turn it over because they like it. If you're a chef, weave your recipes as PDF files. If you are a bean seller, you can distribute a healthy diet calendar using beans for free. The cost of online content converges to zero more than once created. In other words, no matter how much you give away, you have nothing to lose, but the recipients feel that they have benefited you, so you can build a trust relationship very efficiently.

5. Posting Schedule

The posting schedule is very important for running a blog. In addition, in the case of blogs operated by multiple authors, the existence of a posting schedule must be overwhelmingly different. Decide in advance who will write and what postings will be made by date.
The best thing is to publish it on a daily basis, but don't just do it unless you're comfortable with it. The quality of posts that are forcibly posted is absolutely different. It is much better to set a specific day of the week and post on that day. If it is difficult to do it on a specific day of the week, please do it every other week.
The important thing is to write a post only on the posting schedule. Create an unpublished manuscript in advance anytime, anywhere.

6. Profile Settings

Creating a profile is also important for running a blog. Write down who you (or your company) are, what kind of industry you are in, what your specialty is, and where and how to contact you if you want to be contacted. People will be interested in blog posts at first, but they will be interested in you soon.

7. Outline

Making an outline of your post in advance seems like a big deal, but it really improves your work efficiency. If you put your hand on the keyboard keyboard in front of a white blank paper, someone can't write well. Creating an easy outline in advance and filling in the content accordingly can be a great help in writing a post.
For example, if you ask someone who has never been in the driver's seat to explain how to drive a vehicle right away, you will be very upset, and your explanation will be a mess. But if you give yourself time to clear up the steps of driving for about 10 minutes, you will be able to guide you step by step, starting with a very gentle start and stepping on the accelerator.
The same goes for the outline. If you think about the outline of how many steps to deliver the content of the post before you write it, it will be easier to write and people will read it more easily.

8. Posts

According to the survey, people may feel bored when they come across more than 400 words of text. It's a great way to understand why my college majors felt so boring. Likewise, the proper length of a post is important.
Google search engines prefer long content. Google wants to show the best content in front of its search box, and doesn't want posts that are vague enough to leave a question. In other words, your post needs to secure more than a certain amount. It is recommended not to use more than 1000 words.

9. Content division

Divide content through headers, numbers, and images to deliver to readers. Search engines may prefer long posts, but people hate meeting text columns that seem boring. Splitting the content makes it easier for people to read the post, and it makes it easier to accept the content of the post.
In fact, this post uses thousands of words, but because the content is divided by number and image, the burden on people is reduced.

10. Usage setting

You should always think about the purpose of this post before starting a blog post. Think about what you want to offer alternative readers through this posting. When you're done reading this, you can get your readers to get new tips or better understand your area of ​​expertise.
The ultimate goal of every posting is to drive people into your business. When people feel trust in your expertise and want to learn more about your business, you are more likely to have new customers.

11. Search Engine Optimization

Algorithms for determining search engine impression rankings have yet to be known externally. In addition, programmers managing search engines are continually looking to improve their algorithms for better search results. This time, I will describe it based on the Google search engine, which is the world's best search engine and the one with the best research.
First is the image. Image name, if alternative text is configurable, please focus on keyword. Google doesn't know if the image used in the post is actually related to the post. Instead, an image name or alternative text can tell you.
Second, you should use keywords abundantly, but not spam. For example, 'blog' and 'business' have been presented many times in this post, but keywords such as 'blog for business' are not used unnaturally. If it's unnaturally used a lot, search engines will treat it as spam.
Third, connect posts in the blog to each other. In fact, Google scores well based on how different pages the web page is linked to. It also helps to group linked posts into similar posts. Best of all, readers can view your other posts.

12. Calibration

When I post, I get a lot of typos in my mind. Writing the content is important, but it is beneficial to fix any outstanding typos by scanning them once before publication.
Above all, if you make a typo or make a big mistake once, it is difficult for people to feel professional in that post. It's especially important to note that everyone, including you, has a genius sense of finding other people's mistakes.
In general, humans can find more than 15 mistakes in a manuscript that they think has been written without mistakes. It is also the reason for entrusting correctional teaching to others. People are much more susceptible to mistakes, so it's a good idea to look at the level of light correction yourself.

13. Business Connection

Create a button in the blog menu bar that gives you direct access to your business. If you have a website, link to the website, or if you have a product on the market platform, link to the product detail page. The reason for running a blog is for your business both first and second. If people are interested in your business on your blog, make them instantly accessible.

14. Business mention

In the post, mentioning a business is a natural order. Comment on your business regularly and insert links to your business in the post. It's also a good idea to embed a link in your profile at all.
Within your blog specialty, you need to link whenever your business can be linked. The more links you have, the higher your chances of creating new customers. However, since it is quite unnatural to make a link by forcing a link, please do it with the intention of keeping the good.

15. Problem mention

As I said earlier, just mentioning it will help your business. But the most efficient way is to provide a solution for those who are having problems with your area of ​​expertise. For example, let's say you are a professional gardener and have a blog about gardening. Then you may ask, “Are you having trouble managing plants in winter? Check out this post! ”
And at the end of the post, you can connect with your business. “Is my post helpful? Here is a link to purchase my book! In my book, there is more information on how to care for winter plants! ”
15 essential know-how you need to know when starting a blog 15 essential know-how you need to know when starting a blog Reviewed by Mohsin Rohan on May 19, 2020 Rating: 5
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